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Prioritize For Balance in your life.


Prioritize – Organize and focus on what really matters. This means establishing priorities for

what you need to do and want to do daily. All, in that order. There are daily events that must be

attended to, such as going to work, shopping for groceries and feeding the family. Then there are

the events that you want to do, such as pursuing your hobby, answering emails and taking that

relaxing bath. It is a myth that you must spend the exact amount of time on every item in your

life’s pie chart. In fact, attempting to do everything equally can establish patterns of mediocrity

instead of opening you to extraordinary feats and accomplishments when you focus. Your

balance is found in attending to the parts of your life, but not always focusing in equal

increments. So, go ahead and put time into exploring your creative whim.

Simplify – Learn to not over commit. You can say no to extra activities and say yes to your

priorities. Sometimes you may want to be extra-involved in certain activities and at other times,

you may need to shy away from these same commitments. This is natural and not flaky. It is only

flaky when you first commit and then drop out. Avoid this by simplifying and saying yes to what matters and is important. Balance arrives when you are fully present within your commitments

and give yourself permission to choose.

Emotions – Experience the breadth and depth of your emotions. When you avoid your deeper,

tougher emotions, which could be anger for some and love for others, you cause an unhealthy

internal imbalance. You grow your psychological balance through expressing and understanding

the nature of your moods and feelings, not by remaining placid. You get to learn about your

inner strengths and human nature when you own and accept who you are regardless if you feel

fearful or happy. Quit judging your emotions. Emotion is a channel of energy that allows you to

learn about your world. It is true that the levels of great joy one feels in life are proportionate to

the depths of hardship ones also experiences. Understand that emotion is energy in motion and

energy must continually flow to be balanced. Experience, express, but do not hold on.

Flexibility – Understand that balance is an ever-evolving dynamic. It involves movement and the

Inevitability of change. New events occurring within your life can leave you feeling anxious, stressed-out and overwhelmed. These feelings worsen when

you resist the change these events bring into your life in the present. By clinging to what was,

you loose focus and are further removed from your internal locus of balance. Instead, experience

your emotions, listen to them and implement their teachings. Balance is found in being flexible

to, what and where life leads you in the present moment and by not clinging to or controlling it.

Often, balance arrives by being thrown off balance!

Is it possible to live a balanced life?Yes you can, when you understand that balance is not a

static state where you will arrive some day. It is through the path of

imbalance that you come to know the fine art of finding balance within your life



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